Monday, March 13, 2006

This Was a Bad Idea

Here I am again, back at Duffy’s farm. Oh look, there’s the farmer’s house, and there’s the chicken pen. Oh man, all these memories, that was an awesome field trip. The 2 hour bus ride was well worth it to groom the horses, watch the chickens, and feed the pigs. Porky was my favorite, his cute little snout, and curly tail, he was so adorable. I’m so happy I’m back again to see him, I only wish it was under different circumstances.

Well, we’re approaching his pen now, opening the gate, and we’re in. The circle forms, me and my boys, and I’m standing directly in front of Porky. My heartbeat rises, and a beat of sweat dribbles down my forehead, I’m nervous now. This bestiality gangbang, was a bad idea.

We all look around at each other, then in a moment of acceptance, Todd unzips. A loud squeal and we’re under way. Moments pass, and everyone’s fully naked. This is getting really awkward, what was I thinking? Damn those pop-ups. Damn you curiosity. Everybody seems so intense, am I the only one not totally into this? I pet Porky, he looks so peaceful. Everybody looks at me, egging me on. Even Porky’s snout rises as his mouth opens wide. I casually slide over one spot, I’m just not ready.

Is Todd still going? Wow, come on man, finish up. There’s other people waiting. Oh crap, he caught me looking at him. Now he’s giving me a weird stare. Dammit, now Todd’s gonna think I’m some kind of weirdo, checking him out while he’s fucking the pig. Come on, get it together.

Oh shit, I’m going limp, come on man, focus. Big tits, lesbians, blowjobs. Getting harder, come on push. PUSH. UNGHHHHHHHHH…… uh oh. Did I just fart? Everybody’s looking at me, I must have let one rip. Oh my god, did I shit myself? Is there a turd behind me, that would explain the giggles. Oh my god, this cannot be happening, change the subject man, take everyone’s focus off of you. Say something!


Everybody’s gaze shifts back to the pig. Take it Porky, you little bitch? Sex talk with a pig? Really? Did I just make an ass out of myself in front of the guys? Well this is just gonna be awkward Monday at the office. “Take it Porky” they’ll tease me. I’ll be the butt of every joke. Oh my god, what have I done?

Somebody spanked porky, okay, I’m clear now. There you go, Todd is finally finishing up, is he gonna pull out? Nope, guess not. Come on Todd, common courtesy man! Nobody's gonna want that hole now… oh, never mind. We’re all rotating a spot over now. Uh oh, I’m next to the rear. Maybe if I finish myself off, I won’t have to do anything. What the hell? I’m limp again!! Have I been flaccid this whole time. Come on, focus. Goddammit, I can’t get it up. Maybe if I--

Did Greg just grab a chicken? So now it’s a pig and a chicken. That’s ridiculous, there’s no way you’ll be able to fit it inside a chick-- never mind. That’s just messy. Will somebody shut that chicken up. This is nothing like I imagined it would be.

Beastiality just isn’t for me.

What? It’s my turn now? Oh… okay. I guess, I’ll just move in behind Porky here. Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I grab firm hold of Porky’s behind and-- I CAN’T DO IT!!! I turn around and take off running. Ow, shit, I tripped over the fence. Now everybody’s laughing at me, oh god, this is embarrassing. Shit, that really hurt, I’m limping away from a bestiality gangbang, with all my friends laughing at me. I should just go back. What am I saying, I can’t go back. Oh man, this bestiality gangbang was a bad idea, now I need to quit and get new friends. This was a terrible idea.

I’m going Vegan.