Friday, July 14, 2006

Viva La Revolution!!!

The other day I went out with some friends (yes, I have some) to see ‘Subplots of the Caribbean.’ It was okay. That’s not what this entry is about.

In the lobby there is an arcade full of quasi-hip videogames, amongst which is my favorite game: Dance Dance Revolution. For those of you who have never heard of it, you’re screwed, because I provide horrible explanations. Have you ever been anywhere near an arcade and seen some overweight guy stomping around like he’s crushing ants on top of a series of strobe lights? That’s Dance Dance Revolution.

I have nothing personal against DDR (I’m sure you can figure out this abbreviation), in fact I praise it. It gives hope to the dozens of people who lack the social skills and pigmentation to go out in public. It allows those who are not permitted into any clubs a place to dance, and it provides those of us shallow enough to pick on people for looking stupid in public a goldmine of material.

Dance Dance has excellent gameplay and was a breakthrough in style, but if I had to choose one fault to the game; and trust me, I do; it would be the title. Granted the game is from Japan and I should just be thankful that it’s not called ‘Super Happy Fun Dance Star,’ but I am not. I am not satisfied with this name for the sole purpose that it doesn’t make any sense.

First of all, why are there two dances? Would ‘Dance Revolution’ not suffice? Did they feel that the game was so cutting edge that one ‘dance’ did capture the true essence of the game? Is it a typo?

Perhaps the marketers were afraid that people would not understand the concept of the game, and so by repeating the word ‘Dance’ they could clarify that in order to successfully enjoy this game, there would indeed be a necessity for Dance… if not Dance Dance.

Secondly, why is this a Revolution? What are they revolting from? And why with dance? Excuse me, dance dance.

In the late 18th century we went through the Industrial Revolution which changed the ways in which manual labor was done, shifting our society towards one dominated by industry. In the 17th century the Scientific revolution changed the very foundations of science and our views of the world, and in the 20th century the Dance Dance Revolution would forever change the way we did the ‘foxtrot.’

I propose that we change the name of this game to something a little less…. Stupid. My suggestion: “That Dancing Game.” Of course then you would also have to change the names of ‘Karaoke Revolution’ and any other spin-offs which would be a large hassle, but a worthwhile cause. With DDR leading the way we can lead a revolution against their own names. Then, and only then will Dance Dance Revolution truly deserve to be called a Dance Revolution…. Unfortunately they will have already led the revolution to change their own names, thus rendering that name obsolete, and forcing them to choose a new and different revolution. Don’t worry, I’m not really sure what I’m talking about either, the point is… Actually I don’t really remember.

Fuck it, I’m going to sleep.

Viva la Revolution!